Raising Environmental Stewards

Orchard House takes its responsibility towards environmental stewardship very seriously, with every step taken to ensure we protect our natural environment through sustainable actions. We are fully committed to the pursuit of protecting our planet’s resources, for your children… and for theirs.

In a world that leans towards fast food and chemical preservatives, it is critical for us to highlight the importance of natural food to our children. Both our in-house urban garden and our family-style dining program introduce your child to a variety of organic garden produce – exposing us to how these are harvested and prepared for shared meals, and allowing us to embrace the nutritional values that they bring to our growing bodies. With the support of our community partners Action Communiterre at the NDG Food Depot, we bring new meaning to the term From Orchard to Table.

Our school facilities pride themselves on being green, energy-efficient learning environments. Our most recent facility on Grand Boulevard, purpose-built to our own specifications, boasts important features that reflect our commitment to being eco-responsible leaders in the field of early childhood education. Our building includes a geothermal heating and cooling system (radiant floors), and a Displacement Ventilation system for an ideal indoor air environmental quality.

Benefits of Displacement Ventilation

Displacement Ventilation has been proven to:

  • dramatically reduce the circulation and spread of viruses and contaminents from the air
  • offer thermal comfort
  • offer energy efficiency
  • improved acoustics

For our children’s classrooms and our common areas, this demonstrates itself by offering:

  • superior air quality
  • a quiet environment
  • a major impact on our health, including reduced colds, flus, headaches and asthma.

Learn more about some of our classrooms

For more details, take a moment to read about this innovative and effective Indoor Air Quality technology:


Furthermore, Orchard House is a proud member of the Green School Alliance, an organization which connects and supports committed leaders who create healthy and sustainable schools.