Parents are invited to the school for a morning visit, to see the program in action and to ask questions concerning the Montessori principles of teaching that are fundamental to the philosophy of Orchard House. To arrange a visit, please contact the Director.
Before a child can be considered for admission and placed on the Orchard House waiting list, the parents must submit a completed application form.
Having the opportunity to meet your child is an important part of the application process. It will allow your child to become a little familiar with our House, and us to ensure that we can meet your child’s developmental needs. Ultimately, it will allow both parties to ensure that our school is the right fit for your child.
It is advisable to register your child at least 12-18 months prior to your expected start date. Current Orchard House children are given priority for re-enrollment, as are their siblings. Admission of new children to Orchard House is then subject to the availability of space, as well as to the determination by the Director that the school can meet the needs of your child.
New families will be notified of the status of their application by the Director. Parents who are notified that their child has been granted admission must return the enrollment contract within two weeks of the date notice is received or risk forfeiting their child’s admission.
The Orchard House program can be tailor-made to meet your needs. Tuition is dependent on individual program choice and varies from child to child.
Fresh, locally sourced, organic lunches and snacks – as well as special activities incorporated into the core morning program such as music lessons and special visitors – are all included in the tuition fees.
Orchard House operates as a private daycare and receives no government funding. This allows families to take full advantage of both Federal and Provincial Tax credits. Furthermore, Revenue Quebec offers the possibility of requesting advanced monthly refunds. Please visit the following websites to obtain more information: